adult dance at carousel
Adult dance classes are offered at Carousel and the class offerings vary from term to term. This fall, you can choose from one of the following adult programs.
ADULT TAP - EXPERIENCED - Tuesday 8:15-9:15pm
Fall Term begins Sept 10th and runs for 10 weeks
$180+HST per term *15% family discount for adults with a child enrolled in classes at Carousel
This tap class is designed for adult students who have experience tap dancing including adults who've taken a few years of tap or adults who took tap as former dance students and are revisiting it. Free trial classes are offered for those students who would like to try a class to determine if it's the right level for them.
ADULT BALLET - Thursday 8:15-9:15pm
Fall Term begins Sept 5th and runs for 10 weeks
$180+HST per term *15% family discount for adults with a child enrolled in classes at Carousel
We're excited to offer adult ballet again this fall! This class is designed for adult students who are new or newer to ballet.
ADULT TAP - EXPERIENCED - Tuesday 8:15-9:15pm
Fall Term begins Sept 10th and runs for 10 weeks
$180+HST per term *15% family discount for adults with a child enrolled in classes at Carousel
This tap class is designed for adult students who have experience tap dancing including adults who've taken a few years of tap or adults who took tap as former dance students and are revisiting it. Free trial classes are offered for those students who would like to try a class to determine if it's the right level for them.
ADULT BALLET - Thursday 8:15-9:15pm
Fall Term begins Sept 5th and runs for 10 weeks
$180+HST per term *15% family discount for adults with a child enrolled in classes at Carousel
We're excited to offer adult ballet again this fall! This class is designed for adult students who are new or newer to ballet.