Only a few more days until our Spring Company Show at the Registry Theatre. We posted additional information about rehearsals and performances on our website today. Click the link below to view the info:
REGISTRY PERFORMANCE & REHEARSAL DETAILS We've extended the deadline for team jacket orders to April 14th. A full sizing stock is available in the office. We have opted for a high quality jacket that the dancers will be able to get use of for multiple years. Jackets are not mandatory for company members but we wanted to pass along the information in case students are interested in purchasing one.
We're doing an exciting fundraiser for Dance Company. A program that allows families to purchase seeds for their Spring Garden projects. If your child has not already received their order form, please be sure to pick one up at the front desk on Saturday. Order forms are due April 18th and orders will be available for pick up the week of May 5th.
heidi churchillDirector, Carousel Dance Centre Archives
August 2016
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